Lodge Nethan St. John No. 1289


Home Office Bearers Past Masters History Syllabus Links Distinguished Brethren Contact Webmaster


Chartered 4th May 1922



Masonic Hall, Secretary Bro. James D. MacLean  Regular Meetings
29 Strathaven Road,    2nd and 4th Friday of the Month

September to May at 7.30pm



       Welcome from R.W.M. Bro. Andy Masson               

            May I take this opportunity on behalf of the Lodge to welcome 

            you to our website and I hope that you enjoy your visit.  

            Lodge Nethan St. John is in the Province of Lanarkshire Upper Ward 

            and is No.1289 on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.



            This website is designed to provide information about the Lodge and 

            P.M. Bro. James D. Maclean P.P.G.M. has compiled a brief history of the Lodge. 

            Our Regular Meetings are also listed and I look forward to welcoming any 

            Brother who may wish to visit our Lodge at any future time.



            R.W.M. Bro. Andy Masson

           January 2013

Please feel free to sign our guestbook